2021 Employment Law Round-up
Governor Newsom signed several bills into law that will affect California employers in 2021. Unless otherwise indicated, all new laws…

EEOC Issues Direction on Employers’ Ability to Require COVID-19 Vaccinations
Now that the FDA has authorized the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and is meeting today to review whether to authorize Moderna’s vaccine…

New Cal/OSHA Regulations Require a Workplace COVID-19 Prevention Program
The Department of Industrial Relations’ Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Cal/OSHA) has unanimously adopted new emergency temporary regulations imposing…

California Court of Appeal Rules that Uber and Lyft Must Comply with Preliminary injunction and Classify Drivers as Employees
On October 22, 2020, a California appeals court unanimously ruled that Uber and Lyft must comply with a preliminary injunction…