Posts By test-user
Steps to Curb Construction Defect Actions for Homebuilders
The homebuilding and construction industries in California are at a record high in 2017 according to the National Homebuilders Association. Whie there is finallyprosperty and growth for builders, developers and contractors after suffering from the recession of 2008, there is also a growth in construction defect claims.
Kahana & Feld announces named partner Jason Daniel Feld
Celebrating 10 successful years of practice, Managing Partner Amir M. Kahana, Esq. of Kahana & Feld P.C. (formally Kahana Law), is pleased to announce he has added as name partner Jason Daniel Feld, Esq., expanding client offerings to include insurance defense and bolstering its construction defect and real estate law practice.
Troubles with FMLA
It’s been almost three decades since the Family and Medical Leave Act became law. Why and how are employers still running afoul of it?
Circle of Life fundraiser helps New Directions for Women
The ninth annual Circle of Life breakfast captured the hearts and minds of dedicated locals determined to rescue women and their children in desperate need of treatment for alcohol and drug dependency.